Saturday, May 12, 2012

More Karma, er... pr0n (External)

Some more eye candy, thanks to the realization of Henrik Fisker's pen strokes (and team, I'm sure).

These are more external shots, I'll post some cabin shots separately.

Gateway to the soul

Cat's eyes
Proud brand

No yellow-eye removal on my camera


The ever-popular hind quarters

Yet more curves 
All that sparkles... is glass

So much light-play
Iridescence - variations on the theme of red 

Paintwork with depth

A riot of more curves
Starship bow

Fender/wing depending on your tradition

Illuminated quarter panel (rear wing)

Curve Cornucopia
Abundance of wheel for the body to wrap around

The Light of Horus

EVer, so nice


  1. Looks really good in red. I prefer the darker colors. Much more depth to the paint.

  2. I agree. The DiamondDust is quite subtle in red (Inferno). It's much more eye catching and noticeable as distinct sparkles in the darker colours like Earth.

    In the red you can see it distinctly in strong directional lighting and in closeup.
    I think however that it adds quite a bit to the way light plays off the contours of the Karma's bodywork, which I think is already more nuanced with the lighter red than with the darker colours.
